Thursday, 10 December 2009

Building a motorised vehicles (part 2)

Hi all.
On the 10th of December, Year 6 continued with their project of creating motorised vehicles. The day before, they had created their chassis and was one step closer to making their vehicles.
That day, after maths, our teacher showed us how to make a circuit and attach it to the car. Everyone was raring to go and were all happy when our teacher sent us off. Excited, we all found our vehicles and grabbed the equipment that we needed for our circuit. We had to attach the motor to the batteries and the switch. Some people had two motors and some people had a lot of gearing wheels.

It was really hard for people to stick the circuit onto the chassis because it was so thin and the batteries would not stick on properly. Luckily our teacher saved the day as he was able to give gaffer tape to everyone.

Soon everything was stuck on and people were doing a lot of test drives. Fortunately, most of the vehicles worked.

Hopefully our car will win the race because it has two motors! See our car in action!

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Building a moving vehicle (part 1)

Hi all.

On Wednesday, the 9th of December, Year 6 started to construct motorised vehicles. We started by planning what our vehicles would look like from a plan view, a side view & a rear view. In our groups of four, we designed our vehicles, some people did this on the computers and others wanted to draw, and use artistic skills.

In the afternoon, we all found our plans and our teacher showed us how to saw effectively and also his special method of sticking things together. Then we set off to make the chassis and attach the axle. It took a lot of hard work and patience to put it all together. Teamwork was also very important as we had to work out who was doing what and when.

Finally, lots of our hard work and perseverance paid off as we all finished our chassis. We were all excited about putting our motor onto our vehicle. We were all hoping to win the competition and because of this, we were all putting in extra effort.

Do you think that this vehicle looks good and will work well?

This is what our plans looked like. They were detailed and had to include all of the equipment.